Please take a moment to read our terms and conditions - if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.
These terms are an agreement between KLDANCE Studio and the student/parent or guardian enrolling into classes for their whole duration with the school.
1. Fees are made payable termly, and must be paid in advance to the first lesson of the new term. Failure to do so will result in the student potentially loosing their space in the class and a £5 late payment fee being added for each week the payment is late. Fees can be paid in either cash/cheque/bank transfer to Katie Roberts.
2. No refunds can be given for student absences, or if the student decides to leave before the term has finished.
3. All students should come to class dressed appropriately, with hair tied back and jewellery removed.
4. The parent/guardian is required to give permission for photography/videos to be taken and used for promotional purposes. If you are unhappy with this, then please mark 'no' on the relevant question on your sign up form and let the teacher know.
5. KLDANCE will not disclose your contact information to third parties except where the law allows or requires, or where you have given your permission to do so. We may from time to time contact you individually about other KLDANCE services which we think will be of interest to you, or to inform you of any additional information on classes/shows/rehearsals you made need to know.